My Blog is 13 Years Old :)

The time had flown, passed, and 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds had gone by since I had just published the 12th-anniversary post of my blog.

Today marks the 13th birthday of my blog, which has enabled me to share with you what I have learned and to get to know you, no matter where in the world we are. While life and fate have carried us to different geographies and cultures over the past 13 years, fortunately, my blog has continued to stand in the same place for 13 years and continues to shed light on cybersecurity enthusiasts, unlike our rapidly changing lives.

As always, I am grateful to all my readers and connections who have kept my motivation high and encouraged me to write articles with their positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Knowledge is power and grows as it is shared.