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Home-based Threat Intelligence

Those of you who read my articles will recall that in my post titled “Escape from Imprisonment“, I enthusiastically discussed the advantages of using a router packed with security features. As I mentioned in the article, I had started using the dnscrypt-proxy tool to encrypt DNS traffic (Dns over HTTPS…
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Threat Hunting with VirusTotal

If you, like me, primarily use Twitter to stay updated on cybersecurity news and follow cybersecurity researchers, you may have come across tweets from security researchers such as Nick CARR from FireEye/Mandiant, Daniel BOHANNON, or John LAMBERT from Microsoft. In their tweets, they sometimes share new malware samples or discuss…
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Backdoor Hunting

I used to spend long hours looking for a topic to write a blog post or presentation. Over the years, as I reached more people, messages from my readers, links, and followers began to serve as inspiration for my blog posts and presentations, just as the Cryptokiller tool emerged. This…
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Escape from Imprisonment

As someone who has used the ADSL modem of internet service providers for years and conducted security research on them (such as “How Secure are ISP Modems?” and “The Importance of Firmware Analysis“), I cannot say that I have a positive attitude towards using gift modems on an individual level.…
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As a security researcher who always follows the spider senses, my instincts have been warning me for a long time to pay attention to my Gmail account’s Spam folder. Being an active Gmail user since 2006, I had no doubt that over the course of 13 years, my email address…
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Sponsored Scamming

As a security researcher who keeps an eye on Twitter to stay informed about developments in the world of cyber security, I noticed that as of August 2018, phishing ads targeting bank customers began to appear on Twitter. At first, I only reported these tweets to Twitter, but as the…
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Honeypot Detection

About a year ago, when I was planning my Hacker Hunt with a Deception System project, I was faced with the dilemma of whether to use a low-interaction or high-interaction honeypot system. When looking at the fundamental difference between them, we can say that a low-interaction honeypot, which simulates a…
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and you, CPCR-505 ?

In the beginning of 2012, as I began receiving invitations to give presentations, I decided that my first task would be to purchase a wireless presentation remote for myself. As I searched for one that would not disappoint me in terms of price and performance, I came across the Codegen…
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