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Spy Mouse

In 2015, I came across a product set that was on sale in an electronics store. If you bought Kaspersky Internet Security software, you would receive a Microsoft Sculpt Mobile model wireless mouse as a gift. I bought it without thinking, because I needed a new mouse, and I’ve been…
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Closer Than Close

In both the pre-digital age and the digital age, when you examine the lives of bank robbers who have left their mark on a particular era, such as Willie Sutton, whom I often mention in my security awareness presentations and blog posts, you can see that the main reason behind…
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Threat Hunting with Yara

Throughout the world, the trend of encrypting data on end-user systems with malicious software (such as Cryptolocker) and then attempting to profit by selling the decryption key to users continues unabated. Occasionally, security researchers are able to decrypt the data that has been encrypted by malware due to flaws in…
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Threat Hunting

Sometimes, after writing a blog post about a malware, I find myself asking, “How would I detect this if I were in that situation?” and unintentionally a process begins in the background, with this question lingering and waiting to be answered. Once this process is completed and the question is…
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The APT Attempt

With each passing year, serious cyber security breaches are being experienced and institutions that learn from others’ experiences have started to pay more attention to layered security architecture, to invest more in their employees for behavioral analysis, monitoring technologies, and the ability to detect and respond to advanced cyber attacks.…
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Java Decompilers

I agree that working at byte code level is sometimes a bit challenging. If the mission is analyzing a Java malware, decompiling the class files into Java source code is the first step most analysts would take. However, like I mentioned in my post on July (Java Byte Code Debugging),…
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